Heart-Seal: Simayni

Simayni chachotam al libecha
Heart-Seal HebrewText
Set me as a seal upon your heart. (Song of Songs 8:6)

When God, my Beloved instructs me to place the sign of Divinity on my heart, I take it as an opportunity to lay my heart bare and surrender to the truth of my inner identity. With this practice I receive the imprint of God’s love, and I surrender to that love.

To view context from Shir HaShirim through the Love at the Center project, click Shir HaShirm (Nitzavim).

To hear the various parts of the chant, use the audio players. To download a part, right-click a note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click Heart-Seal PDF. For the musical notation, click Heart-Seal Music.