Trust in You: Yom Ira

Yom Ira Ani aylecha evtach
Trust in You Hebrew
In the (very) day that I fear,
I will put my trust in You. (Psalm 56:4)

My practice is to notice, really notice when fear arises, so that in that very moment I can turn and surrender to the Great Mystery. It’s tricky because fear often wears a disguise. The disguise might look like anger or cynicism or irritability or numbness or anxiety or tension in my body. When I can catch myself, I can interrupt the pattern of fear hiding behind one of these masks. Then, I notice the fear, take care of myself with tender self-compassion, and open in trust to the Great Mystery, relaxing into the Divine embrace, which, in truth. has been holding me all along.

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To download the PDF file for this chant, click Trust in You PDF. To download the chant’s notation, click Trust in You notation PDF.