Sitting in the Secret of the Highest: Yoshayv

Yoshayv b’sayter Elyon,
b’tzayl Shadai yitlonan
Sitting in the Secret: Hebrew
Whoever sits in the secret of the Highest
will abide in the shade of Shaddai (Psalm 91:1)

This line from Psalm 91 is such a vivid and precise description of my meditation practice. I created this practice to illuminate my intention as I sit. I am sitting in the secret of the Highest. I am releasing all the content of mind, so that in that spaciousness that is created, I can receive the secret, the still small voice that has been whispering to me all along. The secret of the Highest is most often conveyed to me beyond words or concepts. It comes to me as a sense of Presence, and as a glimpse of a larger unknown Reality in which my “known” world is embedded.

This practice reminds me to keep at it, even if that spacious secret High place lasts for just a moment… those moments will guide me onto a path of living in the Presence. To abide in the shade of Shaddai is to know the truth of our ultimate safety. Shade represents nearness and shelter. Shaddai is an ancient name of God (usually translated as Almighty) rooted in the word for Breasts (Shaddayim). To call on God as the Breasted One is to rest into Her nurturance and protection. My practice reminds me that I am sourced in the Oneness.

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To download the PDF file for this chant, click Sitting in the Secret PDF. To download the chant’s notation, click Yoshayvb’sayter notation PDF.