Rising from the Wilderness: Mi Zot

Mi zot olah min-hamidbar

Who is that rising from the wilderness… ? (Song of Songs 3:6)

I open to the Mystery that rises up out of the wilderness, responding to the call of the unknown. Who is this? She is the Shechina, the Divine presence who was hidden and is now making herself known, rising into my awareness. Who is this? She is my soul rising like fragrant incense towards the heavenly expanse, offering herself up to the Oneness.

To view context from Shir HaShirim through the Love at the Center project, click Shir HaShirm (Terumah).

To hear the chant, use the audio player. To download the chant, right-click the note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click Mi Zot Olah PDF.

Shir Delight: A Journey Through the Song of Songs ©2004 Rabbi Shefa Gold. All rights reserved.