Inlaid with Love: Tocho

Tocho ratzuf ahavah

Within, inlaid with love (Song of Songs 3:10)

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by filling the cracks with a golden lacquer, thus making the bowl even more unique and valuable by illuminating rather than hiding its imperfections. The Daughters of Jerusalem, our companions on the spiritual path, can help us perfect this art, as we navigate this world with our broken hearts.

There is a danger of hiding those cracks or filling them with shame or despair.

Instead, our practice is to enter deeply into the depths of our heart, acknowledge its flaws and brokenness, and then fill those broken places with the gold of love: pouring compassion, tenderness and kindness into those vulnerable places.

To view context from Shir HaShirim through the Love at the Center project, click Shir HaShirm (Ki Tisa).

To hear the chant, use the audio players. To download a chant, right-click the note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click Inlaid with Love PDF. For the musical notation, click Inlaid With Love notation PDF.