Going Down To See: El-ginnat

El-ginnat egoz yarad’ti lirot b’ibay hanachal
Going Down To See in Hebrew
I went down to the nut grove,
To see the new green by the brook. (Song of Songs 6:11)

We usually go up to a higher place to see… but sometimes we need to go down. We need to descend into our own depths and use a different kind of vision to penetrate the complexities within. We enter the nut grove with an eye toward cracking that nut whose hard exterior hides a delicious treasure. And our inner journey takes us to the nachal, which is a kind of stream that flows intermittently. (The Arabic word would be a wadi; the Spanish word, an arroyo.) The “new green” that sprouts up in that nachal is mysterious and miraculous… . found only by those who have the insight and courage to “go down” and explore the hidden places.

To view context from Shir HaShirim through the Love at the Center project, click Shir HaShirm (Matot).

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To download the PDF file for this chant, click Going Down To See PDF.