Your Throne: Tzedek u’Mishpat

Tzedek Umishpat m’chon kis’ech:
aish l’fanayich telech
Your Throne Hebrew
Justice and Impeccability are the Foundations of Your throne:
Fire will go before You. (Psalm 97: 2-3)

As we take our seat for spiritual practice we are establishing our throne, our sovereignty over our inner state of being. That autonomy and freedom are undergirded by the values of Tzedek and Mishpat. It is our grounding in Justice (which embraces our integrity, honesty, compassion and wide perspective) and Impeccability (which suggests a commitment to fully showing up for this moment) that provides the foundation for this sovereignty.

When we really sit on that throne, then the way is prepared for us. A Divine fire clears the way and illuminates the path before us.

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