Unveil My Eyes: Gal aynai

Gal aynai v’abitah nifla’ot mi’toratecha
Unveil My Eyes in Hebrew
Unveil my eyes that I might see the miracles of Your Torah (Psalm 119:18)

Unveil my eyes.
Unveil my eyes that I might see.
Unveil my eyes that I might see the miracles.
Unveil my eyes that I might see the miracles of Your Torah.

Our eyes are veiled with fixed expectations, conditioning, past hurts, intergenerational trauma, cynicism, and limitations both imposed and self-created. It is the awareness of the veils that allows them to dissolve, revealing the startling clarity of a wide array of color, texture and beauty and a vast expanse of Soul beyond the constrictions of personality, beyond the confines of our imagination. In the moment of unveiling we are also unmasked. Our masks that were meant to protect, have concealed the miracles that were always there. Those miracles are revealed through the words of Torah. And we can use the words of Torah to reveal the miracles that were always there. Behold! Just having a glimpse of the wondrous will open us and allow us to perceive the Divine Presence that shines through all of Creation.

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To download the PDF file for this chant, click Unveil My Eyes PDF.

To download the chant’s notation, Unveil My Eyes Music PDF.