Sukkat Shalom: Hashkiveynu Adonay

Hashkiveynu Adonay Eloheynu L’Shalom
V’Ha’amideynu Malkeynu
L’Chayyim Tovim L’Shalom
Uf’ros Aleynu Sukkat Sh’lomecha
Sukkat Shalom Hebrew text
Oh Lord, Our God, Let us lie down in Peace
Our King, raise us up again to Good Life and Peace
Spread over us a Shelter of Peace. (Liturgy)

This prayer, Hashkiveynu, is considered to be an extension of the Geula, our prayer for Redemption. We cannot be free as a people unless we do the work of liberation each night as we face our fears of the dark, of the unknown, of the enemy within and without.

We do this work by attuning ourselves to the shelter of Peace that is spread over the whole of Life, regardless of passing circumstance.

We have no control over the forms of our life that are always passing away, always changing. That constant flux can be frightening. And when we live from fear, we don’t have access to the depths of our wisdom and the breadth of our love.

And so the practice of Hashkiveynu reminds us of that abiding Presence of Wholeness and Peace that holds all of us within its loving embrace, no matter how the forms of Life come and go.

To hear the chant, use the audio player. To download the chant, right-click the note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

For the musical notation, see The Magic of Hebrew Chant, page 248.

The Magic of Hebrew Chant ©2013 Shefa Gold. All rights reserved.