SOULIFT August 2019


SOULIFT: Cultivating Spiritual Maturity

August 12-18, 2019
Jemez Springs, NM

Rabbi Shefa Gold
with Gary Martinez

In the building of conscious community, each of us is sent to our own spiritual work of becoming whole, connecting ourselves to a Larger Reality, healing the source of our reactivity and opening to blessing. And we can support each other in this work.

We step onto the path of spiritual maturity when we stop blaming anyone (including ourselves) and instead learn to call on the inner Divine resources that have been planted within us, and begin sharing that flow of abundance in collaboration with the whole wide world.

In this workshop we opened to that flow, and also rose to meet the obstacles and resistances that can show us the path of true healing towards wholeness and connection. Each day we explored one of 4 themes: Inner Sovereignty, Establishing Pathways of T’shuvah (Return), Compassion, and Knowing that You Don’t Know.

Mornings were filled with practices to address our personal spiritual maturity. The afternoons were more spacious for integrating practice through art, movement, and time in nature. There were opportunities for individual bodywork and supported reflection and attention to the inner landscape. Each evening participants co-created a healing ritual for the day.

Our week of spiritual immersion culminated in the glorious celebration of Shabbat, a day to revel in newfound possibilities, open to blessing, and step through the doors that have been opened by our practice.