
Numbers22:2-25:9 (Balak) This Torah portion tells the story of a prophet named Bil’am hired by King Balak to curse the Israelites. This prophet-for-hire has an amazing adventure which includes listening to his talking donkey and encountering angels. In the end Bil’am blesses the Israelites with the words “Mah Tovu.” Click to see Numbers 22:2-25:9 in … Continue reading Balak


Numbers1:1-4:20 (In the Wilderness) A census is taken and the camp is organized according to Tribes. Click to see Numbers 1:1-4:20 in Hebrew with the English JPS (1985) translation. THE BLESSING OUR JOURNEY TAKES US into the Book of Numbers. The Torah, as a guide for our journey, illuminates the process of incarnation in Genesis, … Continue reading Bamidbar


Leviticus25:1-26:2 (In the Mountain) Behar extends the meaning of Shabbat by legislating the Shemitah, a resting year for the land every seventh year. The land is to lie fallow, released from cultivation. After seven times seven years, a Jubilee Year is proclaimed in the fiftieth year. At the time of the Jubilee, slaves are freed … Continue reading Behar


Exodus27:20-30:10 (You Shall Command) Tetzaveh describes the inside of the Mishkan, the implements. and clothing of the Priests. Then, finally, it describes the ceremony of Priestly consecration. Click to see Exodus 27:20-30:10 in Hebrew with the English JPS (1985) translation. THE BLESSING WHEN I WAS A CHILD ATTENDING SYNAGOGUE I was fascinated by the ner … Continue reading Tetzaveh


Exodus25:1-27:19 (Offering) The people are given instruction concerning the building of the Mishkan, the movable sanctuary that they are to carry throughout the wilderness journey. Click to see Exodus 25:1 – 27:19 in Hebrew with the English JPS (1985) translation. THE BLESSING OUR JOURNEY TAKES US AT LAST TO THE THRESHOLD of a great mystery. … Continue reading Terumah