A New Light: Or Chadash

Or Chadash al Tzion ta-ir, v’nizkeh chulanu m’hayra l’oro
A New Light (Or Chadash) Hebrew text
Shine a New Light on Zion, and may all of us soon be worthy of enlightenment.

The mystics inserted this prayer for God to bring the Messiah, into our liturgy about creating Light. While I don’t pray for a Messiah that is a person that will save us, I do pray for the proliferation of Messianic Consciousness, which I understand as an awareness of the One Love that holds us all. Receiving God’s Light means becoming enlightened. With this practice, I call forth a new light and open to that radiance.

While I was creating this practice, my friend in Jerusalem, D’ror, passed from this world. He was such a great light, brimming with charm, creativity, playfulness and good humor. In his passing, I felt D’ror’s God-light spread out into our world. May we be worthy of this blessing of his radiance.

To hear the various parts of the chant, use the audio players. To download a part, right-click a note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click A New Light PDF. For the musical notation, click A New Light Music.