A Lion in Hiding: Dov Orev

Dov orev hu li, ori b’mistarim.
Dov Orev Hebrew text
He is a waiting bear for me, a lion in hiding. (Lamentations 3:10)

He is a waiting bear for me, a lion in hiding, a lion of the secret places. My intention is to raise up the power of this pasuk from Lamentations into Maschiachkeit. Let the power of past devastation be turned and transformed into the deliberate innocence of the bear and the heartful courage of the lion, not just any lion…. but one who can enter into the deepest mysteries and emerge with a gift for all of us.

Perhaps it is God who is the bear, waiting for me. And God is the lion who prowls the secret places of my own heart. In the moment of my destruction, I am raised up. Defeated by God, I finally know victory, salvation and wholeness. For what has God defeated but my separate and small self who had delusions of running the show? God is the bear who demolishes my artifice with one swipe of his paw. God is the lion who rips open my defenses so that all that is hidden in me might be exposed to the light of Purity and Ultimate Love.

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