God-Window Practice: Dodi Tzafanti Lach

Dodi Tzafanti Lach
Hebrew text for God-Window practice
My hidden (treasure) is Yours, My Beloved. (Song of Songs 7:14)

This is a practice of release. Whatever is hidden inside us, we give over to God, The Beloved, who lovingly relieves us of our burden of shame, pride or secret, transforming that encumbrance, leaving us lighter, and more open to receive the gift of this moment.

I call this a God-Window practice, because every time I chant the word, Lach (It’s Yours) I send my hidden material through a soul window to God. A powerful way to do this practice is with a partner who can be that God-Window, who can get out of the way yet still remain present and open. As I chant through the eyes of my partner, their strong presence becomes a God-Window, allowing my hiddenness to flow through their transparent presence to the great Divine beyond.

Every time I say Lach, I add a physical gesture (moving my hand from my heart outwards to God) to amplify the force of release. In the silence after the chant, I open to receive God’s mysterious presence into the place that has been emptied.

To hear the chant, use the audio player. To download the chant, right-click the note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click God-Window Practice PDF.